Paris School Board Meeting

Thursday September 8, 2022



  1. Call to order

  2. Establishment of quorum

  3. Presentations

    1. Principals - Beginning of School Year Update

  4. Minutes of previous minutes read and approved

  5. Superintendent’s report

  6. Old Business

    1. ESSER Money Roof Projects

  7. New Business

    1. Approve 5% Salary Increases: Act 1120

    2. Approve ASBA Annual Premium for 22/23(Property & Vehicle)

    3. Revisions to ESSER 3 Plan

    4. Approve Board to Board Transfers

    5. Approve Sale of:

      1. 1999 Chevy Bus-#5

      2. 1999 Chevy Bus-#9

      3. 2002 Thomas Bus-#10

  8. Personnel

    1.  Approve Resignations:

    2. Approve Hire

  9. Executive Session